Tuesday, May 17, 2011

For the Doll

Berceuse for Dolly

Miss Dollie-Mae-Rose-Sheshanka Groh departed this life yesterday, May 16, 2011.  She lived a long and lovely life with the best family in the world.  She is survived by Windy "Oma" Groh and Ken "Dziadzi" Groh and brothers Matt and James Groh.  Valerie Groh was added to her family in January 2009 and in September 2010 she gained a little nephew, baby James.  Though she and baby James never met in person, they did exchange interest in and love for one another via Skype.  Baby James will grow up seeing pictures of the Doll around his home and his Oma and Dziadzi's home and we will share many of her stories with him.

One of my favorites that I'll include here is when Dollie decided she wanted her name to be spoken with the French pronunciation, "Daulie" - (Dohlie).  She insisted on it, actually.  Such a Diva, was the Doll.

In honor of her late interest in things French, I offer here a link to a recording of Gabriel  Fauré, one of the foremost French composers of his generation.  Here for your enjoyment, is the Berceuse (cradle song or lullaby) from the "Dolly Suite".  Though not actually written with a feline friend in mind, I think it's quite appropriate for one as petite and sweet as our little Dollie-Mae Groh.  I like to think of her being held and petted by the angels during the Berceuse.  Berceuse for Dolly  - click this link and then scroll down and press the play button in the little pink box.

The Dolly Suite is made up of 6 pieces composed and dedicated to a little girl who was nick-named "Dolly" because of her petite stature (just like Doll-Kitty) and really I think they all make a nice tribute to our Doll.  Perhaps you'll come across the entire collection of music one day and be reminded of sweet Dollie-Mae.

After the Berceuse comes "Mi-a-ou" which was actually the little girl's mis-pronunciation of her brother's name - but I like to sound it out as "Me-o-w" as in Dollie's little expressions.

And when I had the honor of meeting Dollie in Maryland, she was happy to sun herself among the flowers on Oma's back porch - "Le jardin de Dolly" is "Dolly's Garden" in English.  We have a sweet photo on our refrigerator of Dollie Groh sitting all prim and proper among Oma's flowers - I will definitely think of that image when I hear "Le Jardin de Dolly".

And though "Kitty-Valse" was actually a typo and was supposed to be "Ketty" for the little girl's dog of that name - I will simply choose to embrace the mistake and dedicate it to the sweetest KITTY - Dollie - so this is her little waltz, then.  I can just see her spinning around the dance floor! :)

And "tender" she truly was as in movement 5 - "Tendresse".

And finally, in the last movement, "Le pas espagnol" we hear a spirited Spanish Dance and this same title is often used in Equine Dressage - you see it in the horse shows.  It describes a very majestic and spectacular scene in which the horse lifts each front leg up high and extends it straight out, one after the other while keeping a very steady gait and exquisite form. I think it's quite possible that if secret cameras had been installed in her home, we would have video of  Dollie prancing around in this manner in front of the mirror.   I wouldn't be at all surprised!

 Anyway, she was very well-loved by all who knew her and I pray that her memory will be eternal and that she will be awarded a sunny place in paradise for all the love she shared with us during her life.  God Bless you, Doll-kitty.  And God grant solace to the bereaved she left behind.

Some additional notes on The Dolly Suite:
The Dolly Suite, Op. 56, is a collection of pieces for piano four-hands by Gabriel Fauré. The only piano duet in Fauré's oeuvre (and also the only work containing pieces bearing titles other than those of a musical form), the suite was written between 1894 and 1897. Its six pieces take a total of fifteen minutes to perform.
  1. Berceuse
  2. Mi-a-ou
  3. Le jardin de Dolly
  4. Kitty-valse
  5. Tendresse
  6. Le pas espagnol
This six-part piano duet, written between 1894 and 1896, was inspired by a charming and delightful little girl named Hélène Bardac, the daughter of a neighbor banker's wife named Emma.  Hélène was nicknamed Dolly due to her diminutive size (JUST LIKE OUR DOLL-KITTY!).  The various segments of the work commemorated aspects of Dolly's life and served as birthday presents.

 The Berceuse was composed for Hélène's first birthday, and the remaining pieces also appeared in time for the child's subsequent birthdays and other family occasions. Their titles agreed with the "intimate" character of the work; the Kitty of the fourth piece was a corruption of Ketty, the name of Bardac's dog, while Mi-a-ou came from Monsieur Aoul, which was what Hélène called her brother Raoul.
Le Pas Espagnole (Spanish Dance), an exhilarating allegro full of Latin rhythms and color, was named after a bronze equestrian statue created by Fauré's father-in-law Emmanuel; it was admired by Dolly and sat on her mantelpiece.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

James Groh's Toes

Dear James,

I love your toes SO much that I made up a little song about them.

Title:  "James Groh's Toes"
Sung to the tune of "Three Blind Mice"

James Groh's Toes
James Groh's Toes
Are Mommy's Favorite Toes
And Daddy's Favorite Toes
They Kicky-kick covers right off at night
And wiggle awake in the morning light
Then I nibble and tickle and squeeze them tight
Our James Groh's Toes

We love you so much, "Sweet Feet"!
Mommy & Daddy

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Letter to James #1

My sweetest baby James,

I thought I'd start writing little letters to you, recording what new things you're doing and discovering and telling you over and over how much daddy and I love you and delight in every moment we have with you.  You are simply the BEST!  :)

Today is Wednesday, January 25, 2010.  It's around 9:30 in the morning and you're settled into a nice, mid-morning nap in your swing.  You like to face the window and enjoy the sun coming in and shining on you.  It's a pretty day here - but cool, for Texas.  I'm drinking warm tea and waiting for you to wake up from your nap so we can go upstairs and you can play while I get ready for the day.

You like sitting up and standing up with help from me and daddy.  You do NOT like to lie on your stomach.  You have beautiful blue eyes, and a little gummy, toothless grin that lights up our world.  You've started giggling when we are playing with you and you seem to be a little ticklish around your ribs.  The sound of your laugh is awesome!  We've started to introduce you to "solid" foods... really, just liquid with more calories made from instant rice flakes and formula... MMMmmmmmm.... delicious, huh?  ;)  Don't worry... we'll share the joys of foods with more flavor with you in the coming weeks and months.  You love to kick your feet and often kick covers off when we put a blanket over your legs.  Recently you've started pushing your body up with your feet and scooching yourself down whenever we have you sitting up on our laps or on the futon or chair.  It's very cute!  And you've also discovered how to shake your head back and forth and you especially like doing this when you have something in your mouth to chew on - I think the back and forth motion feels good on your gums and you can control that movement better with your head right now than you can with your hands.  But your hands are getting better and better and grasping and holding on to things and bringing things to your mouth.  Yesterday for the FIRST time (!) you grasped one of the hanging toys over your bouncy chair and managed to place your fingers through the handle and pull it down to start the music playing. I was very surprised and excited when you did this - and you looked up at me like, "What's the big deal, mom? It's easy!"  :)

Daddy and I love you SO So So much, Jamie.  We tell you all the time that we love you.  We hope you can feel our love and that you will always know our love for you.  You are the best sight for us before falling asleep and the first thing we look at when we wake up in the morning.  We pray for you and love holding you and talking with you.  You can make quite a few sounds now and we have the best time listening to you as you explore the range of your voice.  You like to stick out your tongue when you "talk" and we love it!  You look exactly like your father (lucky boy - your daddy is VERY handsome) but we joke and say that you must have gotten your tongue from me.  When you stick it out, it looks long and pointy, like mine.  Daddy enjoys making fun of the fact that I have a long, pointy tongue so we get a little laugh from watching you stick yours out the way you've been doing.

Here are some of the names that we like calling you:  James (Mommy made up a song about everybody who loves "James"), Jamie (Nana uses this one the most), Jamie Ju Ju (Sometimes Jamie-Ju-Ju-Bee- like the candy - Daddy loves these), Jamerz (Dziadzi used to call your Uncle James this one), Jamesie (One of Mommy's favorites), Jimmy, OochaMaJooch (another Dziadzi creation), the Ooch (for short), Little Goomba (Uncle Brian's favorite), Sweet Baby James (James Taylor recorded a song by this title long before you were born- Mommy's godmother, Maggie & our friends Becky Thurner and Jennifer Juliano and Gayla Easley all have referenced this song in regard to you before you were born and since you've been born too.  Jennifer Juliano sang it to you one Sunday after liturgy outside the Bookstore, her first son's name is James, too - You have a great name my baby boy), Little Peach Head (Daddy made up a song about this one), Jameroo, and sometimes I just call you "Sweet Baby Boy". 

You're very tall for four months.  We have trouble keeping you in footed pajamas because the ones for your age are too short for your legs AND your feet (you have beautiful, long feet) and socks are difficult to keep on you too.  Jammies that are long enough for you are too wide for you and when you play your kicky-kick game at night you kick your feet right out of the legs and they get trapped and you get a little mad, so I just unsnap them and let you kick your legs out and you look like a little mini-octopus with your two legs and the two legs of the PJs.  :)

Well, my love (that's another one we like to use here in the Groh house) you'll be waking up soon, I expect.  So I'll sign off for now.  But I will write you again soon.

Praise be to God for bringing you into the world, into our home, into our lives, into our hearts for all eternity.  May Lord Jesus have Mercy on us all and grant us MANY years together.
Your Mommy & Daddy

Sunday, November 14, 2010

About James 1:17

When I was a young girl I had a poster on my wall with this verse on it: "Every Good and Perfect Gift is from Above, Coming Down from the Father of Heavenly Lights" James 1:17

  The image on the poster was of two hands cupped together and a beautiful, glowing spark resting in the palms with more golden sparks falling from above - the background was black so the golden sparks were the only light in the image.  It reminded me of the scene in "The Never-Ending Story" when all that is left of Fantasia is a tiny little spark held in the hand of the Empress - full of potential and hope and dreams. 

When I joined the Orthodox Church 20-some-odd years later, I noticed that this verse is recited in the liturgy by the Priest during the Dismissal - here's the whole prayer:  "Lord, bless those who praise You and sanctify those who trust in You. Save Your people and bless Your inheritance. Protect the whole body of Your Church. Sanctify those who love the beauty of Your house. Glorify them in return by Your divine power, and do not forsake us who hope in You. Grant peace to Your world, to Your churches, to the clergy, to those in public service, to the armed forces, and to all Your people. For every good and perfect gift is from above, coming from You, the Father of lights. To You we give glory, thanksgiving, and worship, to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and to the ages of ages."

I love that prayer very much - no matter how distracted I may be at the moment when this prayer is said, I am always brought back into the present by the recitation of James 1:17 in the Dismissal.  The best thing about wedding preparations for me and my husband was picking out our wedding bands.  We went to the home of our dear friends who have a business selling jewelry and got our fingers sized and we chose our rings and the inscription for the inside of them.  We chose to have "James 1:17" inscribed inside our rings, because we each feel that the other is truly our "good and perfect" gift from God.

 The Apostle James' Epistle is my husband's favorite book of the Bible and he used to read it over and over throughout the year in his personal devotions.  His brother is named James and he has always liked that name.  When we discovered that I was pregnant with a baby boy we decided that we would name him James.

So this verse is very special to me and means so much.  As much as I would like to write in a journal or scrapbook or organize photo albums to record the many gifts God has given me, I'm just not that organized.  And I really enjoy reading the blogs of others who are married and raising children and are members of the Holy Orthodox Faith - so I've become inspired to try one of my own, technologically impaired as I may be...

So here goes!  I imagine it will be a bit clunky at first or maybe always - but I'll keep working at it and will certainly try to make it a more lovely place for myself and for those of you who may read this.  If you're reading this and you are a blogger yourself and have any suggestions or hints for me in this regard - your comments are MOST welcome! :)

Now it is past my bedtime.  Sweet dreams dear Blog (and fellow Bloggers - if you're reading this) :)